So it's the beginning of a New Year. So much potential… What will you do? What are your hopes and dreams for 2012? Do they include the possible end of the world… Me, I'm going to attempt to do the following, and by no means are these New Years resolutions.

Whatever I do, whether it's work related, family related, or just normal everyday interactions with people, I'm going to try and be a bit friendlier, more understanding and not so quick to make a decision about something or someone.

I'm also going to try and complete some attainable personal goals which include ongoing continuing education in my field of work and practicing my guitar more than I have in recent years. I'm going to try and get even more consulting gigs than I did last year. To balance all that extra "work", I'm going to attempt to take more time off this year as well, although I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that time off yet.

Whatever you do this year, make it a good one. According to the Mayans, it may be our last :)

PS: It's also a Presidential election year in the U.S.A. which is always fun.

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